Posting notices and streets posters

Diyuk Hafatza Offers Services in a Variety of Areas Including:
Posting notices on municipal notice boards
Advertising licenses on behalf of the local authorities
Payment of fees
Posting notices in building entrances
Posting notices in synagogues and mikvaot
Graphics, proofreading and preparation for print
Guidance in focused advertising according to client’s needs
Notices of mourning, printing and posting within two hours (Jerusalem and Central vicinities only)
About us
Since its establishment in 1999 Diyuk Hafatza has been
active in the field of advertising in all the sectors, according to the needs of its clients.
The firm operates by a system which allows as prolonged an exposure as possible. In the course of the advertising campaign the firm supervises the progress of the work closely.
Areas of Activity
Posting notices on municipal notices boards
Advertising licenses on behalf of the local authorities
Payment of fees
Posting notices in building entrances
Posting notices in synagogues and mikvaot
Graphics, proofreading and preparation for printing
Guidance in focused advertising in accordance with the client’s needs
Notices of mourning, printing and posting within two hours
(Jerusalem and Central vicinities only)
Printing of notices of all sizes
Direct Mailing
Diyuk advertising does door to door mail service as well as distribution in municipal mail and post office boxes.
Diyuk Pirsum is an effective and
efficient means of advertising which enables you to reach hundreds of thousands of homes either door to door or via mailboxes.
Additional cities and communities for potential advertising
Be’er Sheva
Bnei Re’em
Chofetz Chaim
Yad Binyamin
Kiryat Malachi
Kiryat Gat
Zichron Yaakov
Migdal Haemek
Kfar Chabad
Tel-Aviv – N. Sharett
Beit Shemesh
Diyuk Hafatza Offers Services in a Variety of Areas Including:
Posting notices on municipal notice boards
Advertising licenses on behalf of the local authorities
Payment of fees
Posting notices in building entrances
Posting notices in synagogues and mikvaot
Graphics, proofreading and preparation for print
Guidance in focused advertising according to client’s needs
Notices of mourning, printing and posting within two hours
(Jerusalem and Central vicinities only)
Diyuk advertising is a firm that specializes in advertising on municipal notice boards throughout the country
Distribution door to door
Direct distribution in mailboxes
Graphics and preparation for print
Notices of mourning
Printing of notices of all sizes
Notices in synagogues, mikvaot and other places